In the event that you have no recognized precursors and your marriage possibilities do exclude a group of European blue-bloods, don't lose heart. You can even now secure the social regard you merit. Sovereignty is the most noteworthy conceivable class, the highest of the privileged, so you should well merit it. Not entitled? At that point go along with us in this game!
There's something truly uncommon about remaining in a stronghold; it gives you a feeling of social legacy as you wonder about the stylistic theme and the glory of the manor rooms, envisioning the rulers and sovereigns of old strolling along similar halls as yourself. Today Princess Angelina was given the undertaking of introducing the stronghold to the new individual from the imperial family (our player).
Being an illustrious is no cake walk–and from style and eating to decent behaviors and restraining youngsters and pets, there are heaps of rules. It's her assignment to clarify all the principles of the imperial family to our player. She has likewise arranged a simple assignment to check whether the new part is prepared to turn out to be essential for the imperial family. Our player needs to discover all the shrouded items and answer the 5 enigmas asked by the princess in the event that he/she needs to be an individual from the regal family.