Meet the two analysts Janet and Scott. They have chipped away at various cases during their vocation yet now they have a huge test before them. In particular, Janet and Scott, along with their group of experts, have begun to chip away at an exceptionally fragile case. it is about an instance of grabbing and this time a survivor of abducting is the little girl of the head of the police.
That implies that the analysts have a difficult task to take care of on the grounds that everybody that has been captured or the nearby individuals to somebody captured, could be the potential hijackers, accepting that the rationale in the abducting could be retribution. Furthermore, in the event that we consider different intentions that are not identified with vengeance or somewhere in the vicinity, the rundown of alternatives turns out to be much bigger!
The criminologists Janet and Scott, along with their group of experts, have an errand to discover where is the captured individual and who and why abducted her?! How about we cooperate with the police and check whether we can help by one way or another, so the case can be tackled quicker, with no outcomes.