The knight Victoria has an assignment to get to the lord's royal residence. She needs to arrive very soon however there is one issue. The street that drives there is excessively long so she needs to discover a spot to rest during the evening. You may feel that this would be smidgen alarming for a young lady, yet to remind you, we are discussing a valiant knight, not a customary young lady.
While strolling around and searching for a spot to rest, Victoria gets to a deserted château that is by all accounts an ideal occasion to go through the evening. Notwithstanding, once in a while things are not as they appear. Exceptionally soon the valiant knight Victoria understands that this palace isn't care for each other stronghold yet it is about the renowned mansion of dread.
We should likewise be daring and face this surprising circumstance. Our knight is valiant yet perhaps she would require our assistance in managing the present circumstance since it's the mansion of dread we are discussing, likely probably the most unnerving spot around. Is it true that you are set up to investigate this strange spot?