Shouldn't something be said about some secret for now? Enter profound into a fiction story put some place in a far period, some place where various individuals lived, they spruced up in an unexpected way, ate in an unexpected way, were placed in different conditions and time. Envision you can go through time, take on the appearance of some sovereign/princess, be a legend or be a basic worker.
At the point when we are little youngsters we love to watch kid's shows and motion pictures loaded with intriguing anecdotes about constructive individuals, animals, legends. Be that as it may, there consistently are the miscreants that must be vanquished, so the story would have a glad consummation. Furthermore, not just youngsters are keen on dream, we are certain you are one of them, getting a charge out of the new stores that today movie producers make flawlessly.
The faction chief ruler Magor is an individual that carries a great deal of challenges to the saints of today game. The three knights, offspring of old knight Baltas are looking for the blessed articles, taken by the malevolent faction of the monster. They should examine the mansion that have a place with the clique head, master Magor. Put yourself the ensemble of a knight, be daring and help these great knight accomplish their central goal.