We have heard various stories and legends about secret fortunes, yet the majority of them stay to be only stories, with no specific evidence that they are valid. Furthermore, in this rundown of legends, there is likewise a legend about valuable items concealed generally around the bazaar… As per this legend, quite a long time back the well known entertainer Robert concealed a genuine fortune around the carnival where he was working and nobody figured out how to find this fortune up until this point. The well known entertainer Robert works in a similar carnival where Michael worked. He, along with his associate Patricia, comes into the bazaar late around evening time. They are here proposing to track down the concealed fortune from the bazaar and tackle the secret about it once for all. They are ready to look through the entire spot and check whether they could tracked down the fortune. Presently you understand that we are in a genuine expedition. We should look through around the carnival along with Robert and his aide Patricia lastly shut down those tales about the valuable articles, somehow.