Patricia and William are individuals from the coast watch which is really a sea security association. This association deals with all that occurs on the coast, acting like intensely equipped military power when there is a greater treat yet in addition, they are entrusted with search and salvage on the coast, when there is a need of that.
Today, Patricia and William have seen something on the coast. It was about a little yacht that was coming nearer to the coast. Furthermore, that isn't unordinary, yet generally the coast watch speaks with whoever draws close. This time, Patricia and William attempted to speak with the team of the yacht, yet after barely any ineffective endeavors, they concluded that it would be better in the event that they go to the yacht and see why nobody is offering re-visitation of their calls.
Possibly the individuals on the yacht can't restore the calls, however imagine a scenario in which something has happened to them. Consider the possibility that they are attempting to do some illicit activity. We are going to perceive what is happening there, we should follow Patricia and William.