Any place there is treasure, you'll regularly discover a privateer. History is filled with trying burglars and shrewd hoodlums. Strange stories of invaluable stones and shining trinkets disappearing aren't only for books and films. Numerous hoodlums are propelled by the way that significant workmanship pieces are worth great many dollars and weigh a couple of kilograms all things considered.
Today you are the observer of perhaps the best wrongdoing of the century.Detective Christoper, his associate Nancy and Carol, a representative at the Versailles Palace, wind up in an exceptionally horrendous circumstance. This is the first run through since this stronghold was opened to guests that there has been a particularly enormous heist. Remarkable important pieces are disappeared.
The palace took various measures to forestall robbery of imperial things including having enough aides or watchmen to watch showed things, maintaining a strategic distance from circumstances where surveillance camera sightlines are obstructed. By and by, all things vanished under dubious conditions. Analyst Christoper and his group are here to find who has taken the articles and how the security arrangement of this manor fizzled. Assist them with tackling this case!