There are abnormal relations between individuals, or suppose Gods, with regards to adore. This game depends on an antiquated legend about Cupid, the notable God of adoration, a piece of the Roman folklore. Cupid was a child of Venera, the Roman goddess of adoration. Venera was known for her excellence however even the most lovely ones know to be envious to other's magnificence. Venera is distraught and envious to Daphne, the other delightful fairy. She is that frantic to this lady that she sends he own child Cupid, to discover her and kill her!
Cupid leaded by the bearings of his mother, goes into the nurseries of the fairies. Also, what's in store from this nursery?! Various brilliant women sticking around. Cupid took a gander at those young ladies being totally astonished yet when he saw Daphne, he overlooks every one of them! He additionally overlooks the expressions of his mom and the request to kill this young lady. Be that as it may, Daphne is totally frightened and runs off from Cupid. Being frightened from what might actually occur, he shrouds truly well in the nurseries so nobody can discover her. This is her domain so she knows each edge of it.
Regardless of how great is Daphne covered up, Cupid has set his brain that he needs to discover her and wed her! He will look through the nursery, however he additionally needs some assistance from you. We should help Cupid discover Daphne and win her heart.