At the point when you are criminologist it appears to be extremely ordinary to have a ton of questions and doubts in all things and everybody around. It is essentially the calling itself, it searches for a character that will think constantly, get even the smallest subtleties that will help in one examination.
Such analysts we find in today game. David and Barbara are investigators who please the neglected fun park needing to investigate the instance of intensely hurt kid who tumbled from large tallness precisely here in this park. For some time David and Barbara are following a gathering of youngsters whose adoration are extraordinary games and they are genuine adrenalin addicts.
Criminologists are in uncertainty that perhaps the kid's fall isn't a mishap case and that it is conceivable that somebody may have pushed him intentionally needing to execute him. It is time do discover for what reason would somebody have such a need to hurt a decent kid. Possibly it is some hostility, perhaps it is some desire or straightforward prejudice. You are here to help David and Barbara. We are certain you might want to help these clever folks.