Individuals don't have the foggiest idea what will befall them after they leave their home. Going out traveling is consistently questionable, regardless of whether you are the best driver or you are going with the best driver or a pilot. Now and again the danger factors come from within however at times they come from an external perspective and they essentially can't be dodged.
Notwithstanding, these things that happen to the tree companions Laura, Janet and Raymond is something that doesn't occur to everybody. It is something extremely uncommon and bizarre however some way or another it happen those three companions to be observers of it yet how about we start from the earliest starting point.
Laura, Janet and Raymond are three companions that by some baffling incident are stuck in one old French town. They were going to the town however by one way or another they have mixed up the bearing that prompts the town. Sooner or later they became mindful that they are in harm's way. They heard a voice that had a place with the malicious soul. This soul is extorting them with few necessities that should be satisfied on the off chance that they like to be delivered. Them three should discover the items covered up by the malevolent soul in the event that they like to be free once more. That is the value they need to pay to the villain for their opportunity.