Normally there are humble communities or towns close to the mines. That way it is simpler for the individuals who work there and despite the fact that those spots may not be made purposefully, they create with time, as the specialists carry their families with them. What's more, there isn't much in those spots, typically the as much as it's fundamental for the diggers and their families to carry on with ordinary and reasonable life. Here we are discussing the precious stone town and why it is called that way, we will see very soon.
To be specific Gloria has shown up in the little mining town that has been deserted for not many years. This town was made by the actual diggers, the ones that worked in the mine with jewels, situated close to the town. At the point when the mine quit working, all the residents of the town have left the spot.
In any case, Gloria is here at the town since she realizes that the excavators that worked here have discovered six major and uncommon, simultaneously truly important precious stones. She guesses that those precious stones are left in the town so she is here right now, searching for those six jewels. How about we see together how does a mining town look like and what is covering up in this spot. Is it genuine that those diggers have given up all that them as they left the town or it's just about gossipy tidbits? We will investigate and perhaps we will truly be the ones that will locate the six valuable precious stones.