Amanda has an eternal fondness for the small town that her grandmother is from. She realizes however, that the mindset of small-town folk often contrasts with that of people who live in big cities. In smaller towns, people tend to express more concern for their neighbors. They also tend to gossip more and pass on rumors about people. Some of these stories have a kernel of truth and some are outright lies.
Amanda has traveled to her grandmother’s small hometown and has gone to visit her grandmother’s old house. The residence is infamous in the small town in that everyone is scared to go inside. This is because on several occasions people have seen the shape of a mysterious woman shrouded in black through the house’s windows. These sightings have understandably scared and confused the town’s residents.
The townspeople have no idea as to what is occurring inside the house. Could it be that the house is inhabited by a ghostly being? Perhaps the person they’ve seen in the house’s windows is merely an unknown visitor? Amanda is eager to discover more about this mysterious lady in black that has been seen in her grandmother’s old house.