Pretty much every story regardless of from which individuals or nation comes has great and terrible characters. The essential for the story plot is to have strife between characters, so the story will create, will get summit and toward the end, end.
The great should battle the wickedness and the great should consistently win. Regardless of how intense it is, that spurs those devotees to the decency to battle to last powers. Some of the time that battle is verbal, here and there with weapons, contingent upon the requirements of the story.
Such battle we find for now' game. A smidgen secret in our life, won't hurt the day. We accept that you are one of the heroes and that you would successfully assist the great with winning. Sorceresses Ordea and Nora and the magician Ozlin have shown up in the otherworldly woodland of the fantasies. Their errand for now is to discover the articles that give hard dreams to individuals, since abhorrent witch Enora needs to leave individuals restless so she can rule effectively with them. The time has come to stop the abhorrent witch to proceed with her central goal.