In some cases during our lives, we have all however about halting the time. There are minutes in life that we might want to keep going forever, as a rule the most delightful and most valuable minutes throughout everyday life. Yet, there is in every case except, in each circumstance. Be that as it may, imagine a scenario in which you are truly stuck in a second and you essentially can't proceed onward.
That would be fairly convoluted, even frightening, regardless of on the off chance that it is about a decent second, also the terrible minutes… It appears to be that there is truly something like this, in any event in our the present game. To be specific, Deborah and Timothy, along with their companions, show up at the house where it is everlastingly 12 PM. Here, the bolts on the clock are consistently one over the other, similar to it's consistently 12 PM. This is fairly terrifying for the companions, particularly that they are not in their own homes, so they like to discover what is happening there.
Deborah and Timothy will look through the house and attempt to tackle the secret of the house where it's eternity 12 PM. We should sneak around together and help the companions sort out what is happening in the strange house.