Eternality for vampires consistently includes some significant pitfalls. The ceremonies of the vampire network are a remarkable custom all their own. They are commonly centered around reaffirming the obligations of that network and summoning the intensity of the individual and profound everlasting status.
Malcolm is a vampire for whom this night is one of the most significant evenings. This night he is playing out the Full moon custom. At regular intervals precisely on a full moon he puts the most on the map vampire custom that gives him an extra 100 years of everlasting status. The custom is syncretic, incorporating components from an assortment of different frameworks and adding ideas pertinent to vampires.In request to play out the custom effectively he needs to discover all the important things - two moonstone pearls, two vampire candles, two rings...
Will he have sufficient opportunity to discover all the segments related with the custom and live 100 years more? We should assist him with the social affair and discover! Possibly we will likewise pick up something about interminability and endless life so this will be our inspiration for the present game.