Fights for domains are not something new. It appears to be that they exist since first living creatures possessed the planet earth. Yet, those fights show up between wizards as well. Indeed, that is valid. Because we don't know such a great amount about them, that doesn't imply that they don't exist and they don't have their own reality that capacities on comparable standards as our own.
Hardly any years prior, the three wizards Barbara, Mark and Dorothy, were removed from where they used to live. In particular, the malicious wizard Thomas prevailing to beat them and take their domain. Following not many years estranged abroad, Barbara, Mark and Dorothy conclude that the time has come to return again in their otherworldly home and prevail upon the detestable wizard Thomas.
Just that way they will get an opportunity to bring back their domains and keep on living in their home. They accept that this is their incredible return and they will put a finish of the ownership of the underhanded wizard Thomas. We should help the wizards return home, where they truly have a place. We could likewise help them and pick up something more about the universe of the incredible wizards.