Meet Alessia, this dazzling young lady coming from Italy, a young lady full with energy and immense wish to learn and find new things. Her huge interest has consistently leaded her through her life, both while picking something in her expert and her own life. That is the means by which she chose to turn into a paleologist. She is excited by the present however she additionally accepts that the appropriate responses of various inquiries of today have their answers some place somewhere down before, being closely resembling some previous occasion.
This youthful Italian paleontologist has got her first more genuine assignment. She has the karma to chip away at reclamation of old landmarks in Rome. This is her first greater undertaking so Alessia is exceptionally amped up for it since she generally accepted that she will find something significant, something that will affect the historical backdrop of the world.
In any case, Alessia couldn't envision that while chipping away at her first greater venture she will get perhaps the most popular people on the planet. Totally sudden, in one little roman suburb, Alessia finds the greatest sculpture from the incomparable Julie Cesar! This is probably the best disclosure of today, something that could be remembered for the exemplary Seven Wonders of the World, that large! Alessia couldn't have confidence in her eyes! She is the one that has seen this self important sculpture first, the one that will have the advantage to advance it before the entire world! We should see together what is the issue here.