On the off chance that you ask individuals that didn't have any contact with volcanoes, they will presumably say that they don't comprehend individuals that live close volcanoes in light of the fact that they are taking a chance with their lives each day. Some volcanoes are tranquil however at times it happens even those volcanoes to actuate, with no past notice.
Notwithstanding, individuals that live close the volcanoes, normally say that they are important for their regular day to day existence and they realize how to live with that danger. Nonetheless, that doesn't imply that they are not terrified from the things that occur around them.
The fire fighter Roger faces this sort of circumstance nowadays. He needs to deal with the well of lava that has unexpectedly initiated in the island. All the residents of the island are in colossal frenzy, they are in a rush to leave the spot however the fire fighter Roger needs to manage the seething spring of gushing lava, keep the nearby houses safe and prevent the fire from spreading all around the spot. Roger will require some assistance from you, so we should begin immediately. The well of lava will not allow us to save any additional time.