Envision going to a wilderness, strolling through its knot and chaotic vegetation and discovering quite possibly the main palaces on the planet. At the point when you do this, you have discovered the lost mansion. Today we join a valiant youthful wayfarer as he experiences the landscape and staggers on something obscure.
Kevin shows up in the wilderness where perhaps the main mansions of the world is found. Basically nothing is thought about this spot, as all the globe-trotters who have discovered this château have not gotten back from that point to have the option to recount its story. For quite a long time individuals were mooching around the structure site, however just nobody ever left the site subsequently.
Be that as it may, they all left signs on their days there. They were composing transcribed notes in their journals. The diarists were basically I who had lived, and afterward passed on. Orchestrated on an everyday premise, these journal separates structure an intricate interwoven pattern of occasions. Kevin will probably discover the journals of these explorers and to clear what truly occurred while they were there. However, they are very much covered up and he needs our assistance.