Those of us that love to read have felt at one time or another that we were becoming lost in a book. Books are very powerful because while the reader is immersed in the book, we can imagine ourselves entering the world hidden within the pages. Oftentimes, if the book is particularly well written, the book’s characters seem to follow us into our day to day lives, as though they are a real people.
We seek out these characters in our real lives, and imagine that they will suddenly appear, and anticipate how they would act in a given situation. Is it possible to be trapped inside a book? I know it doesn’t sound possible, but stranger things have happened …
Kathleen has realized that her world is a replica of the one described in the book she is currently reading. She thinks she has been put under a spell by the wizard character in the book, and that the wizard can somehow control her actions. We need to help a bewildered Kathleen escape from this bizarre situation.