The nineteenth Avenue was constantly known as a calm and tranquil road where is somewhat protected to live or go through. In any case, something that occurred there has caused individuals to feel tad stressed on the grounds that there weren't things like this, before in this area.
Furthermore, about the real circumstance, there has been a report of viciousness and murder at a café on nineteenth Avenue. That was the unforeseen and amazing occasion that has shaken everybody except the police have come rapidly at the spot of the wrongdoing scene, ready to settle the case at the earliest opportunity. Investigators Jonathan and Emily have been relegated looking into the issue. They show up at the road to meet cop Grace who is now there, setting up the examination site.
Everybody is devoted to the situation, so how about we witness what will. As we've referenced previously, this road is known for being tranquil so the circumstance is somewhat stunning, yet we are likewise here to help and address the things out, correct? We should perceive what occurs at the spot of the wrongdoing scene.