Numerous individuals have the equivalent or a comparable dream ordinarily, over either a brief timeframe or their lifetime. For the greater part of us, dreams are a puzzle. They have neither rhyme nor reason — on the off chance that we can review them in any case. Hell, a few of us don't think we dream. Repeating dreams, regardless of whether they are wonderful dreams or bad dreams, are exceptionally huge to the visionary. This has been the situation for Olivia who lives in a little town on the north of the nation. Over the most recent couple of months, she dreams a similar dream.
Be that as it may, right now she is outside of her town, in a relinquished and pulverized church. There she meets and converses with a cleric named Albert. The minister asks Olivia to discover six candles that he needs to hold the 12 PM mass.
At times our fantasies could feel so genuine and that feeling can tail us in the truth. The inclination that originates from the fantasies can tail us during our days, much the same as some prescience. As a result of this circumstance, Olivia chooses to go to the congregation outside of the town precisely on 12 PM and locate the six candles that the cleric in her fantasy needs.