Elizabeth and William have an exceptionally fascinating position. They work in the well known spa resort named 'Beam of daylight'. It is about a magnificent retreat that consistently draws in a many individuals. The visitors go through their year occasion here, go through an end of the week, or essentially pass by and spend not many hours partaking in the great proposal of the spot. The spot has to bring to the table a great deal for everybody, t causes the visitors to feel like home and that is the reason it is so renowned.
Also, since the new season is going to begin, the hotel's stuff needs to set up the spot for the new visitors. That implies that all that should be perfectly spotless and organized appropriately, then, at that point they need to look at in case there is a need to get something else, as new furnishings or other gear, etc.
Elizabeth and William's work, as resort maids, is to set up the spot and ensure everything is okay for the second when the primary visitors will come. As a matter of fact, the season begins tomorrow, so Elizabeth and William have full hands of work. It's time so start the last arrangements so how about we help them make everything ideal for the new season.