Wanda is a mariner and a fortune tracker. Possibly you will not relate this commitment to a young lady however why not?! Young ladies are really ready to do significantly more than those generalizations say and privateers and mariners have consistently been young lady's callings also, having at the top of the priority list that they are similarly fruitful in them, same as men.
This young lady is consistently open for another experience. She trusts her own instinct and makes enormous strides forward, cruising to better places all around the world, following tales about various odd places and individuals that were on those spots.
One day Wanda gets some answers concerning one little deserted island with an obliterated boat on it. As usual, those accounts are only stories from the outset. Somebody has referenced them or they move from one mouth to another and nobody has the confirmations that they are valid. Be that as it may, despite the fact that a portion of those accounts are simply stories, once in a while they are bearing to something significant and significant. For this situation evidently, the boat conceals a ton of significant items that were intended to be presents for the ruler, so you may envision how important those articles are. The boat has never shown up at the regal harbor and after long periods of fruitless journey, the imperial specialists have chosen to quit searching for the boat. Wanda is certain that this island is where the imperial boat is so she begins the quest for the regal endowments immediately, accepting the she is looking for trouble large.