In this way, there are individuals that don't care to know anything about their future. They basically embrace the here and now and they accept that their future relies upon their current activities and there's nothing more to it. Beside this fairly sane methodology, others are fixated on horoscope, others even visit prophets that could foresee their future, accepting that their future is now ensured or another person could meddle toward their future life…
Clare for instance was in every case extremely inquisitive about her future. She has consistently been visiting purported "prophets" attempting to master something about her predetermination. In any case, realizing your fate in some cases could mean knowing things that are not in every case great and that could make you somewhat terrified from your future.
The entirety of the spiritualists, Clare has visited up until now, have terrified her with terrifying and baffling predictions about her future and the fate of her family. The solitary way she could change her future is by exploring her old family house that is currently relinquished.