Indeed, leaving well enough alone from the youngsters may be normal thing when the children are still excessively youthful and discovering reality may do them a mischief. It isn't in every case great kids to realize where are on the whole the chocolates or to realize that mother father actually stay wake hours after they rested… yet when children grow up, the guardians typically talk with them about everything. Or possibly it should be that way.
Nonetheless, princess Karen and her sibling, the ruler Mark, out of nowhere discover that that their own dad, the lord Frank, had a stronghold that has been kept as a mystery for quite a while. Every one of those years they knew nothing about the palace so they were shocked when they found it. Karen and Mark can't help thinking about for what reason would their dad leave well enough alone from them and didn't informed at that point concerning the spot.
Presently they stay with the mansion and discover all the insider facts that are covered up there. We could likewise observe what is the mystery of the manor and what does it cover up. How about we investigate along with princess Karen and ruler Mark.