People who are head over heels for each other can find no fault in each other, that is the very thing many individuals say. At the point when individuals become hopelessly enamored and think they have found their first love, they are ready to thoroughly take care of that individual. Also, that is totally alright, on the off chance that these feelings are genuine, earnest, and common. However, once in a while, those "pink glasses" make us blind before reality that should be visible to individuals who encompass us.
The three companions, Betty, Daniel, and Margaret, are stressed over their dear companion Nancy. Nancy is insane in adoration with the extremely rich person Anthony. Furthermore, maybe nothing bad can be said about being enamored with a very rich person, simply that Betty, Daniel, and Margaret, imagine that Anthony is definitely not a decent decision for their companion. They suspect that he is a criminal who is connected with the mafia, and that is the manner by which he got those billions.
The three companions need to demonstrate to Nancy that she ought to cut off this friendship, so they go to Anthony's home subtly, planning to get sufficient proof for their cases. How about we perceive how might this romantic tale winds up.