Ask any individual what they esteem most about the spot they call home and we ensure security will be at the first spot on the list. Everybody desires to live in a low-wrongdoing zone where homes are secure and inhabitants feel calm visiting nearby organizations, stops, and schools. A long time in succession this extremely unassuming community positioned as the main most secure City in the nation despite the fact that a considerable amount of strange occasions have occurred there before.
Situated in the south of the nation this town has a crime percentage of for all intents and purposes zero, with no rough attacks or robberies. Until a week ago when some baffling countenances with covers are burglarizing the individuals in this spot. After the fourth light theft the previous week by veiled desperados, the police began suspecting similar baffling men with covers are focusing on the homes in southeastern networks.
Official Justin was relegated to the situation and today he shows up on the job in his local city. He is working with his compatriot to attempt to support security and anybody with data about these burglaries is approached to reach him. Nobody knows who the criminals are, so Justin chooses it's an ideal opportunity to stop this.