We recollect life not for the cliché things that happen to us consistently, yet for the seemingly insignificant details that interface us to individuals, to some music, to nature, to what we love. We recollect excellent things that happened to us, not on the off chance that they occurred at home, before a TV, however in the event that we headed off to some place accomplishing something not conventional, on the off chance that we attempted to challenge ourselves in battling the limits.
Our character of the day has such a mission. This woman has placed herself into an extraordinary experience. Cheryl is the main pilot of a dirigible. Along with her companions Wanda and Peter they chose to make something that nobody else has done - to pivot the world with blimp. Their journey has been wonderful until the present time, when their blimp has been broken precisely over the Amazon wilderness, they impart S.O.S sign and now they hold on to be saved. In interim they will attempt to oversee all alone. They need a few items that should be found.
We are certain that you are happy to help this woman globe-trotter. You wouldn't have any desire to leave these valiant folks enduring over the Amazon wilderness.