We all have special times each year that bring back beautiful memories from the past. There could be a particular holiday, or a season like Fall, that brings out these happy, wistful feelings. For Katherine, Independence Day is that special time. Katherine always eagerly looks forward to July 4th because it reminds her of happy memories with her family like watching fireworks and enjoying special meals together.
Every year Katherine has a custom where her family gets together in her hometown. She has many happy memories in this town, and so she always looks forward to returning there. One special Independence Day event is the annual local parade that takes place. This parade is unusually large and elaborate for a small town of this size. It’s the type of parade you would usually only see in larger towns.
Let’s go back to Katherine’s hometown, along with Katherine and her relatives. We can enjoy the 4th of July festivities and see the world through Katherine’s eyes. By exploring the traditions of this town, you may even learn some new facts relating to the Independence Day holiday that you’ve never known before. Hopefully the holiday will be a special occasion for us as well.