Chloe is having some scary experiences lately. Several years ago, she inherited a house from her grandmother, who passed away. Unfortunately, she hadn’t spent much time with her grandmother while she was alive, and so they were not very close. Because of that, Chloe does not know much about her grandmother’s history. Chloe has only recently moved into the house. While she was preparing the house to move in, she discovered religious and ritualistic objects scattered throughout the house.
Chloe is mystified by these objects and wonders what purpose they served. In addition to these objects, she often hears whispers coming from various rooms in the house late at night. Chloe is scared and has decided to seek professional help from investigators of paranormal phenomena.
Scarlett and Liam are the paranormal investigators that Chloe has hired. They arrive at the house and prepare to examine it room by room. Let’s accompany them on their search to discover what secrets the house holds. Hopefully, we can help Chloe to feel safe and secure while living in her grandmother’s house.