The neighbors of Mr. Brian were fairly astonished when they felt an unusual terrible smell coming from his condo. He was a sort of man that consistently had somebody in his home, he got a kick out of the chance to invest energy visiting with his visitors and that is the reason it felt unusual to believe that perhaps he neglected to take more think about his cleanliness or the cleanliness of his home…
In any case, what really happened was something totally extraordinary, sadly. The neighbors have detailed about that untypical smell that was coming from this present man of his word's condo and the officials were the ones that discovered his dead body.
Investigator George is one of the people in control for tackling this case. He is in Mr. Brian's condo and he might want to discover what has befallen this man and if his passing could be a potential homicide. He will explore the wrongdoing scene, along with the cops, and he trusts that he will figure out how to address this case at the earliest opportunity. We should check whether we can help the specialists discover what occurred with Mr. Brian.