Despite the fact that a large portion of the things around us appear to be self-evident, commonly it is helpful to know to understand signs and discover things that are covered up 'between the lines.' Aside of the self-evident, numerous things around us have a secret importance or are given allegorically, so knowing something about semantics is consistently valuable.
And keeping in mind that some semantics is sufficient for our daily existence, there are individuals that know a ton about signs and images. Sarah for instance, is a renowned peruser or old images. She, along with her savages Steven and Emily, come in the mysterious woodland where, as indicated by Sarah, the popular Mayas have stowed away their fortune. We don't think a lot about the Mayas, that is reality yet Sarah accepts that she has figured out how to discover the hint of something important.
The area of the fortune could be found just if the group peruses the images right, however there is another thing other than that. In particular, the images are additionally covered up and they need to think that they are first. How about we check whether Sarah and her companions could truly discover the fortune and will we be an observer of something significant?