Gloria is a female pirate who comes from an island known as Vonut. As a very young girl, Gloria and her parents were rounded up and forced to leave Vonut. The reason they were forced to leave is because the King believed the island to be cursed. He thought that since the island was cursed, that it was inhabited by demonic forces and evil witches. No one had any specific documentation that witches lived on the island, it was just a feeling that the King had, brought about by some mysterious occurrences.
Gloria has never placed any faith in the King’s feelings that the island was cursed or inhabited by evil beings. Gloria knows that when she is an adult, she will travel back to the island of her birth. It is her original home and she feels compelled to go there. Now that two decades have passed, Gloria has realized her dream of returning to Vonut. Her arrival on the island has brought back many happy memories. She began to investigate and tour the island as soon as she arrived. Gloria has found many objects that conjure up memories from her childhood. It all seems very recognizable to her, almost like she never left. She can’t wait to spend more time on the island and investigate the place, even if she ends up turning up demons and witches.
Let’s go on an adventure with Gloria and have fun looking for some unusual and fascinating objects. We’ll enjoy ourselves, and at the same time, assist Gloria in locating items from her past. We’ll also find out more about the history of this island from long ago.