Henry, Peter and Nicole have shown up at the stronghold Sterling, with aim to investigate the anecdote about the well known chemist, otherwise called the Birdman. It is about John Damian who is an Italian chemist that has vowed to the ruler that he will give him a great deal of gold. As each chemist, he accepted that he will transform a lot of normal metal into gold yet some way or another he didn't figure out how to do that. The chemist would not like to lose the trust from the lord, so he guaranteed the ruler something else – he will make genuine wings and help individuals fly. John has taken a shot at this task for a specific timeframe and on this authentic occasion were available all residents of Sterling. Be that as it may, regardless of the considerable number of endeavors, the investigation came about with no triumphs. John was recognized as the Birdman of Sterling and after that this story turned into a legend, making individuals wonder on the off chance that it was a genuine truth or only a story that went from age to age. Our the present legends are journalists that might want to compose a book about this remarkable individual. They would require some assistance to discover the confirmations that will give them enough data about this man and his irregular demonstrations. We should support them and get the hang of something increasingly about John Damian. Is it safe to say that he was only a pretender or a genuine chemist?!