You have most likely caught wind of centaurs. A centaur, or infrequently known as hippocentaur, is a fanciful animal with the chest area of a human and the lower body of a pony. Those half-man, half-horse savages occupied the mountains and woodlands of Thessalian Magnesia. As indicated by the accounts, they were a crude race who made their homes in caverns, pursued wild animals for food and equipped themselves with rocks and tree limbs. In any case, maybe there is a more thing than this story, something that demonstrates that they are savages as well as they are something else.
Hylonome is a little girl of the Centaur Cherion. The Centaur is known as the one that has stood up to the Gods out in the open. He has additionally asked from them to quit telling individuals that Centaurs are hazardous and ought to be kept covered up in caverns somewhere down in the forested areas. Due to this defiance, the Gods have directed individuals to take out Cherion, utilizing six harmful bolts. The Gods have made those bolts and left them in the forested areas. Hylonome realizes that on the off chance that she figures out how to discover the bolts before the individuals, she will figure out how to save her dad.
We should partake in this legendary experience and learn something more about the relations among Gods and Centaurs, and the relations among Centaurs and individuals. Are Centaurs truly perilous and could they hurt individuals? This game will clarify us all, so we should begin immediately and help Hylonome finish her work, encouraging her dad.