Regardless of the amount somebody associates with things and individuals, and doesn't have confidence in material things, still, there are things that we would prefer not to free ever in our life. It is inexplicable the amount we succumb to seemingly insignificant details that speak to some memory, some second, some feeling a lot. Also, when some shocking thing occurs, similar to catastrophe or comparative, than we are baffled and troubled.
Yet, on the off chance that quite possibly somebody can help us discover our things and get over it that would be ideal circumstance. In such circumstance is our fundamental character of the present game. Karen is a phantom lady of the hour. With the assistance of her paranormal researchers Martha and Jeremy, Karen goes ahead where she lives while she was alive.
Presently her home is deserted and demolished. Karen compassionately requests Martha and Jeremy to help her in the finding from her own stuff that were gone out. The examination can start. You are here to help the case. Regardless of on the off chance that we talk about fiction and secret, put yourself in this apparition lady of the hour and give a valiant effort to help her.