Treating and really focusing on the injured and wiped out in furnished clash, other significant brutality and cataclysmic events have consistently been number one need for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Tyler and Maria are specialists working for this helpful association. Their responsibility is to visit spots of confinement as a feature of a group of ICRC. Be that as it may, this is an unpleasant work.
They are continually under tension in a conceivably hazardous climate. In this way, Tyler and Maria are again on a mission is to visit the jeopardized and helpless areas of the world that need master help. Today, they show up along with their group in a little, abandoned town where there is an episode of illness that can spread quickly and kill thousands. During a scourge the illness will regularly spread in about fourteen days or less.
They should do everything to forestall the spread of this scourge. They should inspect everything identifying with individual and aggregate prisoner wellbeing and locate all connected articles which are very much covered up. We should move speedy and help Tyler and Maria salvage this unassuming community!