By and by, here is one rather strange game for you. It is about a plot stuffed into a fantasy that will stand out for you, it is without a doubt. This game spots you in one realm that is decided by the creatures that are really the lone residents. As you may figure, the lion is the lord in this realm and he does his job great. Notwithstanding, there is something weird that has occur in this realm. In particular, six important items that have a place with the lion lord are lost. They are shrouded some place in the realm or to be more exact, they are concealed all around the realm.
Those items should be found as quickly as time permits so the lion ruler picks the fox, referred to all around as the best searcher in that environmental factors. The lion ruler has likewise guaranteed a decent honor for her in the event that she figures out how to locate the lost items. The fox will get a respectable title consequently so we are certain that she will provide her best to acquire that lofty title.
Despite the fact that the fox considers the best searcher around, she could utilize some assistance from you. You could likewise partake in this respectable mission and search for those items. Possibly you won't get an honorable title yet you will appreciate the play and make some extraordinary memories playing the game.