Attempt to envision an existence without timekeeping. You most likely can't. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. There is a clock on your divider or the dashboard of your vehicle. You have a timetable, a schedule, a period for supper or a film.
The Maya monitored time by in excess of a Long Count. Utilizing their insight into stargazing and arithmetic, the old Maya created perhaps the most precise schedule frameworks in mankind's set of experiences. The Mayan sacrosanct schedule, referred to most ordinarily as the Tzolkin in Mexico's Yucatan and Cholqij in Guatemala is the essence of the Mayan schedule arrangement of twenty schedules.
Father Noel shows up in the little Mexican town of Morelia. He discovers that in this city is disguised the sacrosanct Mayan schedule. As indicated by the Mexican Father, such a schedule was the first on the planet to commend the divine beings since it contains the days when a love of God was given. His undertaking is to discover the schedule that he accepts ought to be set in the fundamental Mexican church. Go along with him in this journey!