Sadly, there are numerous dismal loves all around the globe... Presently we are not discussing love that hasn't been returned however we are discussing love with miserable end. There are numerous anecdotes about individuals who have lost their direction, lost their life way after the demise of their affection one. In the wake of losing somebody that nearby and unique individuals are normally rather befuddled and they don't have the foggiest idea what they ought to do straightaway, in light of the fact that for them it is fairly difficult to envision their existence without that extraordinary individual...
Then again, there are such countless paranormal tales about the phantoms of the late loves who stroll around the individuals, searching for their affection. As per those accounts, the apparitions like to take with them their adoration, despite the fact that that could mean passing for their affection ones. Those accounts are fairly creepy yet we as a whole recall the tale about the carcass' significant other which is perhaps the most wonderful romantic tales ever!
Mika and Aiko are a hitched couple whose enthusiasm are actually those paranormal stories, or all the more solidly, the Japanese paranormal stories. At this time they are at the samurai's sanctuary, investigating one uncommon story. There, consistently, seems the soul a lady whose spouse – the samurai, has passed on in the combat zone. Mika and Akio like to help the spouse's soul locate the grave that has a place with her most prominent love, her late husband, so they could be together for the last time. This current lady's apparitions needs to settle down so how about we assist her with satisfying her sentimental mission.