Searching for a portion of adrenaline, individuals decide to do various things. Some adoration outrageous games, some pick venturing out to far off neglected spots, others choose to deal with wild creatures, etc. What's more, what makes us energized depends from individual to individual and we need to concede that there are individuals who choose to go exceptionally far in their demonstrations...
Angela, Gary and Amy are truly old buddies. They have numerous regular interests and their tempers fit impeccably however they additionally share once specific enthusiasm. In particular, those three companions are adventurists that adoration to investigate places that have never been visited, by anybody. Possibly others don't have that much boldness yet Angela, Gary and Amy are unquestionably not scared of seeing new things.
Today the three companions show up in the woods of the shadows, with expectation to discover the shadow's fortune. This is perhaps the most terrifying put on the earth on the grounds that nobody has gotten back from that point alive. We should perceive how might the companions handle this incredibly frightening circumstance.