Packs might be considered as terrible when all is said in done, frequently contemplating posses of lawbreakers that perform diverse criminal activities yet it isn't as straightforward as that. Packs are gatherings of individuals that have assembled with certain reason. Madison for instance is an individual from the acclaimed pack known as the Texas posse. Inverse to all accepts, this posse is truly sure in its activities. They have one and only point – to ensure the normal cowpokes that have been misused by the huge financial specialists and work for a truly modest quantity of cash. Madison is important for this pack and she is truly committed to this gathering, being a genuine common freedoms extremist.
Right now Madison is in one little city. This city is known by the way that all individuals that live there live from burrowing gold. In any case, they don't work alone yet they rely upon their principle gold broker who takes care of a very limited quantity of cash to the diggers. They are not fulfilled by the treatment yet they don't have other wellspring of cash, burrowing old is something they do for what seems like forever so now they feel totally powerless and befuddled.
Seeing the entire circumstance, Madison feels empathy with the diggers, and since she is an individual from the popular Texas posse, she will give a valiant effort to help those individuals. She has aim to put together the diggers in an insubordination. She accepts that they merit significantly more than they are offered and the time has come to stop those exploiters once for all.