Kayla, Natalie and Randy couldn't envision what are going to find when they began their walk somewhere down in the wilderness. Them three essentially love nature and needed to discover something new and fascinating in the wilderness yet they accepted that they will find something that really has a place with the nature.
In any case, it appears to be that other than the trees and the creatures, there is additionally something different that has a place with the nature, or it doesn't have a place here however it's the most secure spot on the planet on the off chance that somebody gets a kick out of the chance to stay quiet about it... However, we should stop with the secret and open the cards before you.
The three companions, while strolling profound into the wilderness, discovered an unwanted observatory. There was nobody in the spot so Kayla, Natalie and Randy began investigating the spot immediately. They needed to find who lives in the observatory and the discovered articles point that there is some obscure genious living here. As it appears, he is on the edge to find something significant and presumably, he doesn't care for anybody to know anything before he completes his immense disclosure...