Shouldn't something be said about some adorable dream of the day. For those of you who love to peruse, who love to invest energy with books, envision that your #1 characters essentially emerge from the accounts one day. Envision how might they feel if something happens to them and they basically need to leave the book?! That would be startling for them to just evaporate from every one of those pages loaded with insight and wizardry. What's more, envision what might a book resemble without its characters?
Darila, Nemer and Sazira are three characters that emerged from legendary book that is brimming with magnificent stories with bounty dream and sorcery. In any case, today they are faced with risky circumstance since underhanded Dwarf Zorsal has succeeded some way or another to go through time and to change the set of experiences. Doing this, the accounts of these three characters are being changed.
Darila, Nemer and Sazira are terrified that they will just vanish from the wizardry book. They presently need to venture out through time and to discover the items that are associated with their accounts, and to accomplish the reason - to stop the evaporating of the book.