Would you be able to envision how flawless it would be on the off chance that you can just go through time. Think about a notable period. Press some catch and go there! Than, after your experience closes there and you locate your self tired of certain time, press another catch and return. How valuable that would be, ah? Consider the possibility that we can pick when we might want to live. Suppose, return to the hour of sixties and be a hippy fellow or possibly in the twenties and dance some jazz. All things considered, life would truly be one damnation of an undertaking. For now we made this young lady who has extraordinary otherworldly chance.
Klesa loves to experience various occasions. Yet, an issue has showed up when Klesa, the Time young lady and the little troll Piklik are lost as expected. Klesa can go through time, however the evil leprekin Betlen has put revile on her.
He took all the timekeepers that Klesa used to choose which time to visit and to travel. Klesa has discovered the area and the time where her tickers are covered up. Presently, she begins the examination for it, needing to put request on schedule.