Possibly for us the life of the famous people looks extremely marvelous, yet the truth of the matter is that there are some not that alluring minutes about being a big name. Despite the fact that they may be top pick for the greatest piece of the crowd, there is as yet a possibility that among those rare sorts of people who don't care for the person in question, there are some who have truly barbarous goals…
Once in a while the superstars could be even casualties of somebody's shrewd enthusiasm and that is truly downright terrible… artist named Anthony has been killed in his loft. It is acceptable that the executioner has left follows after him, so the police could get close to him. The follows lead to a little old house in the focal point of the city, so the time has come to begin the examination.
The investigators Robert and Karen, along with the police officer Sandra, are set for discover the killer of the celebrated pop star. They will follow the follows that show up at the spot of the wrongdoing scene, and ideally, they will discover who is answerable for this awful homicide. We should begin the hunt immediately!