The battle among great and evil is old as the humankind. Individuals have been constantly split between those different sides, despite the fact that occasionally there is a bit of evil in great and bit of good in the wickedness... Fortunately, the great is the side that rules, making the world great spot for living and prompting generally speaking improvement of the world. Harold and his little girl Patricia are wizards that own unbelievable otherworldly powers. They can manage all detestable forces that standard the world. Because of their forces, Harold and Patricia oversee saving the harmony among great and evil for a long time.
You most likely don't realize that there is where the insidious tree of the spirits is found. This may appear as a customary tree, an innocuous tree as any remaining, however really the entire world is in peril right now on the grounds that the detestable tree gathers all spirits in it, making them evil. Simply envision what could occur if this tree figures out how to gather all spirits on the planet.
The detestable will become predominant and just awful things will occur around us. That is the reason Harold and his girl Patricia resulted in these present circumstances place, to utilize their otherworldly powers and beat the malevolent tree, helping the world stay serene and great for what it's worth right now.