People who enjoy buying things at a discount love to go to garage sales. They find it fascinating to browse through all the items and discover inexpensive treasures. Often you will find things that are almost brand new, that are for sale because they aren’t needed anymore. However, you may need that item for yourself. It’s definitely better for the environment to reuse goods rather than purchase all new ones. Buying secondhand also very practical and is a sensible way to save money.
Once in awhile you’ll stumble across something that you didn’t think you needed, but that will be very useful to you. Sometimes, artistic people will find vintage items and repaint them or restore them, resulting in a completely different and uniquely wonderful item.
Dorothy and Mark are experts at putting together exquisite collections of vintage items. They are some of the best collectors in the country. Dorothy and Mark attend many garage and estate sales and purchase objects that they compile into related collections. A large, carefully curated collection will fetch a much larger price than selling many smaller separate items. Today they have come to a garage sale that promises to have lots of interesting finds. Join them as they search for their next treasures.