It resembles that throughout everyday life, in any event, for individuals who are on elevated places in the general public. Some of the time individuals have everything except nobody realizes what could occur in the accompanying second. Eleonora for instance, used to be a princess that partook in an elegant life previously. Then again, her dad's realm was ousted by a malevolent head and they lost all that they had. The present circumstance demonstrated that we can't be 100% certain about anything.
The issue to be considerably greater, right now Eleonora's folks are held as prisoners. In reality she is extorted to recover a sorcery elixir from the palace that her granddad assembled numerous years prior. The underhanded ruler has vanquished this spot however his troopers are reluctant to go there. There are various reports that spread around for a long time, about enchantment curses and satanic spirits. Apparently those issues hide in the unwanted stronghold so they are on the whole apprehensive that something could happen to them.
Attempt this intriguing game, loaded with secrets and attempt to discover the appropriate responses of this uncommon circumstance. Simultaneously help Eleonora and her folks manage the circumstance and win the seat by and by, obviously in case that is conceivable.